Thursday, June 29, 2006

Fair Illinois Files Challenge

Fair Illinois Files Challenge
Copyright by The Windy City Times
By Andrew Davis

After an effort that utilized hundreds of volunteers and thousands of dollars in resources, the organization known as Fair Illinois filed an official challenge to Protect Marriage Illinois’ ( PMI’s ) anti-gay marriage referendum petition on June 26 with the State Board of Elections.

In May, PMI turned in approximately 345,000 signatures in its effort to place a referendum on the state’s November ballot to prohibit same-sex marriage in the Illinois Constitution—and, in fact, to outlaw any sort of domestic partnership. ( The group needs 283,111 valid signatures to have the referendum placed on the ballot. ) In response to that development, Fair Illinois formed. This organization, believing that many of the signatures on PMI’s petitions were invalid, organized an effort to find invalid signatures and, in turn, help protect gay and lesbian families.

Jim Snyder, the coordinator of Fair Illinois, said that he had reason to be “cautiously optimistic” after filing the 5,000-page document—but added that it could be weeks before the official outcome is known. ( He stated that the volunteers actually checked all of the signatures by last week, but then spent days organizing the document before filing, which occurred one day early. )

The State Board of Elections will conduct an examination after describing the process, which will probably occur at its next meeting on July 5, Snyder said. He added that “we have a right to observe the process, and we probably will do that.”

In accomplishing the huge task of validating so many signatures, Snyder acknowledged the team effort and praised “the outpouring from the community. Every organization in the community and allies from other communities turned out and did the job.”

Gov. Signs Domestic Violence, Hate-Crime and ADAP Bills

Gov. Rod Blagojevich has signed two new laws to help strengthen protection for domestic-violence victims and increase compensation for hate-crime victims.

House Bill 4649, sponsored by Rep. Jack Franks, D-Woodstock, and Sen. John Millner, will protect victims of domestic violence. The statute creates a checklist for judges to consider before setting bail for a domestic violence offender. The items on the list include the offender’s mental health and his or her history of violence.

House Bill 4134, sponsored by Rep. Sara Feigenholtz, D-Chicago, and Sen. John Cullerton, D-Chicago, adds hate crimes to the list of offenses covered under the Crime Victims Compensation Act. The measure also requires victim compensation to include such items as hospital-related transportation expenses and tuition. The bill also defines the parents of any person—no matter what age—as victims.

In a separate statement, Feigenholtz said that “ [ v ] ictims of hate crimes are put under terrible emotional and psychological strain. It’s important to remember the financial problems that can follow the crime as well.”

Hate crimes in Illinois are defined as violent actions against individuals because of their race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

In addition, Blagojevich has signed off on House Bill 4302, which essentially helps low-income individuals afford HIV treatment. Under the new measure, the state can transfer the majority of prescription drug costs to the federal government’s Medicare program. Those who are eligible for the state’s AIDS Drug Assistance Program ( ADAP ) and Medicare but who cannot afford out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs will be helped by the Illinois Cares Rx Program, resulting in less fiscal pressure on ADAP—which will keep it solvent.

In a separate statement, Feigenholtz, who spearheaded the measure in the House, declared that “ADAP has been very effective in making prescription drugs affordable for individuals affected with HIV and AIDS. [ This measure ] will shift many of the financial burdens to the federal government so that ADAP can continue being a source of assistance and hope to those who need it most.”


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