Wednesday, January 31, 2007

International Herald Tribune Editorial - The guns of Florida

International Herald Tribune Editorial - The guns of Florida
Copyright by The International Herald Tribune
Published: January 30, 2007

Twenty years ago, the Florida Legislature cravenly decided to allow "law abiding" citizens to carry concealed weapons merely by declaring their preference for self-defense. Then last July, at the prodding of the gun lobby, state lawmakers proved to be even more corrupt and cowardly by deciding to make the list of gun-toting Floridians a secret.

Fortunately, a local newspaper has given residents of the state a final look at their representatives' gruesome handiwork. When the law was first enacted, there were fewer than 25,000 licensed gun holders. Since then, the state roll has boomed to 410,000 and counting. As the veil descends on this dangerously macho part of the public record, enterprising articles in The Florida Sun-Sentinel are laying bare the fact that more than 1,400 people easily got gun licenses despite pleading guilty or no contest to felonies that included manslaughter, burglary and child molestation.

Sampling records just before the law took effect, the newspaper uncovered hundreds of tales of mayhem, official indifference and glaring loopholes in criminal justice protection. Those permitted to pack concealed weapons include 216 people with outstanding criminal warrants, 128 under domestic violence injunctions and six registered sex offenders.

The gun lobby, predictably enough, is blaming "bleeding-heart, criminal-coddling judges and prosecutors" for this grim state of affairs. The truth is that the National Rifle Association has succeeded too well in herding legislators to do its dangerous bidding. Lawmakers in 38 states have approved bills allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons.

As in some of those states, Florida's legislators take the position that it's no fun to have a gun if you can't use it. So they loosened the laws on self-defense to allow a civilian to stand and use deadly force "if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary." If lawmakers had any sense of shame, they would undo these lethal threats to their constituents.


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