Friday, January 19, 2007

International Herald Tribune Editorial - Politics and corruption

International Herald Tribune Editorial - Politics and corruption
Copyright by The International Herald Tribune
Published: January 18, 2007

In its secretive purge of key U.S. attorneys, the Bush administration is needlessly giving comfort to any number of individuals now under federal investigation. Most prominently, there is Representative Jerry Lewis, Republican of California, whose dealings as appropriations chairman have been under scrutiny in the continuing investigation of lawmakers delivering quid pro quo favors for contractors and lobbyists.

U.S. Attorney Carol Lam of San Diego is one of a number of prosecutors being forced from office without the courtesy of an explanation. A career professional, Lam ran a first-rate investigation of Randy Cunningham, the former Republican congressman from California, who admitted taking more than $2.4 million in bribes.

Lam then turned her attention to Lewis as she plumbed Congress' weakness for "earmarks" — legislation that lawmakers customize on behalf of deep-pocketed campaign contributors. The focus moved to Lewis — who has denied any wrongdoing — after the disclosure that one of his staff aides became a lobbyist and arranged windfall contracts worth hundreds of millions.

Stymied by the previous Republican Congress, Lam was negotiating with the new Democratic leadership to obtain extensive earmarks documentation for her inquiry when she was forced to resign. The administration owes Americans a full explanation of a move that reeks of politics.


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